GitLab – Importing and Exporting Projects in Windows

Synchronizing GitLab with a(Windows) PC

Once you have a GitLab server up and running, you will need to be able to load and save your repositories to it.  Since I have a repository already locally, the first step is to suncrozie my GitLab server with a local copy of my code.  Once completed, I then want to have Android Studio point to it.

Create a Project on GitLab from a local Repository using TortoiseGit

This is done by first creating a repository on the GitLab server with the same name  as it was locally.  I used “Bubbles” as it was the same name as before.  Once that is complete, the GitLab server will generate useful comments 1) how to create a ssh key and 2) how to Import an existing project.

The SSH Key:

Well, remember I generated my SSH key by using the puttyGen on one of the first posts.  I was able to go to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and see it.  Using putty, on my AWS server I typed

# cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

It started with “ssh-rsa” and ended with the “StoneMillEluav” – I was able to simply copy the text into the ssh keys setting in GitLab.  This setting can be found by going to “Profile Settings” and choosing “SSH Keys.”

My local .git/config looked like this (I edited my files to not have all my personal info between the {}):

 repositoryformatversion = 0
 filemode = false
 bare = false
 logallrefupdates = true
 symlinks = false
 ignorecase = true
 hideDotFiles = dotGitOnly
[remote "origin"]
 url ={gitlab_username}/Bubbles.git
 fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
 puttykeyfile = C:\\Users\\{Windows username}\\{rest of the path}\\StoneMillEluav.ppk
[branch "master"]
 remote = origin
 merge = refs/heads/master

My global .gitconfig looked like this(I edited my files to not have all my personal info between the {}):

 name = Greg S
 email =
 default = simple

Tortus git was still pointed to the server with the same name as “Bubbles.”  I CDed into the local “Bubbles” directory and right-clicked “TortusGit->Settings.”  I verified the settings matched.  I then did a git->push to the repo.

All of my files were uploaded successfully, but as I expected, none of the old Issues or milestones were saved.  The reason for that is that info is stored in the database on the AWS server (not in git).

Create a Repo on GitLab and Check it out Locally (without Android Studio)

After creating a default “Jack” project on GitLab, I created a using the links on the webpage.

In GitLab, on the project homepage, there is both an http, and an ssh link.

TortiousGit, simply adds a context menu to the right-click menu in Explorer.  I was simply able to select “git Clone” and point to my new URL on the GitLab server.

I used the ssh link and added my existing ppk. Much easier.

The command line version to create a new repository is as follows:

git clone{gitlab_username}/Bubbles.git
cd Bubbles
git add
git commit -m "add README"
git push -u origin master

Android Studio and GitLab (without ssh)

Android Studio does not seem to have a way to use the public/private key (easily).  As such, I simply went to VCS->Checkout from Version Control->Git and posted the projects URL using http.  While it is not the safest because it uses unsecured passwords, it allows me to move forward tonight even if I am not as integrated with GitLab and Android Studio as I would have liked.





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